Monday, January 2, 2012

Maybe J is for Joshua

"But my family and I will serve the Lord."

I was an adult before I knew this was a verse from the Bible and not just a well written line from "A Raisin in the Sun." It's found in Joshua 24:15.

Joshua is very clear in his delivery to the people of Israel. He reminds them of all the things God brought them through and reminds them that God still allows them to choose who they will follow.

We all need a Joshua in our lives who will remind us from time to time of the things that God saved us from - in case we forgot. Of course, the people of Israel probably had not forgotten - they just needed to be reminded.

Reminded of the times that God saved them from their enemies and when God saved them from themselves. Reminded of the doors that opened just in time and the doors that closed just in time.

Joshua is that friend that you listen to even though to see him coming makes you want to walk away. You know Joshua is going to tell you the thing you need most to hear at the time when you want least to hear it.

Don't ignore Joshua. Joshua is trying to save your life. But as for Joshua - Joshua has already made the decision to do what is right. That's what makes him easy to recognize. Joshua is as a "do as I do," not just a "do as I say" kind of friend.

He has seen first hand the results of people's poor choices. And Joshua wants for you what he wants for himself.

Don't be confused. Although Joshua wants you to make the right choice, if you don't, Joshua will pray for you from Paradise. He is not going to be made a victim to your folly.

My modern day spin on Joshua's line of thinking - "Grown folks get to make grown folks decision and they get to live with grown folk consequences."

You choose.

As for me and my family - we will serve the Lord.

Tracie Jae - modern day Joshua