Thursday, April 2, 2009

Have I Done What I Was Asked?

Have I Done What I Was Asked?
Matthew 21:28-32

Sometimes we find ourselves placed in a position where someone in authority over us will ask us to do something and we disagree. Sometimes, it’s not so much that we disagree – we just flat out don’t want to do it. Sometimes, we say yes and then don’t keep our word.

What then? And what are the consequences for those actions?

In the parable of the two sons – Jesus mentions the first son who is asked to do something, disagrees and then thinks better of it and does it anyway. The second son, agrees to do it, and then does not.

We are reminded, as the moral to the story, that this is the reason that thieves and whores will enter Heaven before some so-called believers.

What good does it do to believe and not follow? What good does it do to have the Good News and not live it?

And where are we in this story?

Do we, like the first son, get instructions from our Father and then drag our feet as we obey? Are we, like the second son, saying “Yes, Father, I will do what you have asked me to do.” And then going about our business as if He never gave us instructions?

Are we serving graciously and willingly and without hesitation?

And what if our children behaved this way?

In our house there are 4 children going in 4 directions at any given time. There is usually someone living out both sides of the parable, or some combination. As a parent – it’s frustrating to live that way.

As a parent, we (I) sometimes feel like I should reward the child or children who have done exactly what was asked exactly when it was asked exactly how it was asked. Not that that occurs terribly often. And then I ask myself – why should I reward you for doing what it is you were SUPPOSED to do anyway?

And now, as I type this – I wonder if God feels that way about us. Why, Child, should I reward you for doing exactly what I’ve asked you to do, when I asked you to, how I asked you to? Isn’t that what you’re called to do?

And yet – He rewards us anyway – daily with favor, and grace, and mercy, and forgiveness. Even when we drag our feet as we obey. And even when we turn our backs – His Goodness and His Mercy pursue us.

As for me – I believe there are areas in my life where my actions look a little like each son. Unfortunately, I can’t think of one thing that I have heard God say and responded, ‘Yes, sir. Right away.’ And then got up and did it.

How ‘bout you?


  1. Preach it sister! It's so interesting that I fact almost demand that God respond to me in a certain way and yet...and often I am unwilling to respond to others in a gracious least in my heart I am often ungracious! This is great. Thanks T! Rhoda

  2. As much as I would like to be a quick responder to God's direction, I am not. God continually calls for me to work in "typically" areas of strength. For me, the challenge is bordem. I wait for God to give me something new to master however I need to maximize what he has already given me to do. Remaining excited in areas I don't like is something I have to work on.


  3. Peace. First congrats on the launching of this blog. You already know I will be an avid reader.

    Secondly, I have been working the last few years to close the gap between when God speaks to me or shows me something and me moving out on it. I have found my greatest success in not waiting,being fearful or doubting--just move out!

    Good article.
