Thursday, November 11, 2010

UFO Abduction

In our universe as we travel around the Son, occassionally we are visited by UFOs. While I do believe that there is likely life on other planet (vanity tells us otherwise), the UFOs to which I refer are not Unidentified Flying Objects. The UFOs that I see regularly and clearly are Unwanted Faith Obstacles.

They light up the sky. They distract us from what we know to be reality. They cause us to doubt our place on the planet.

These UFOs are present and lurking just behind every cloud. In places where we should see silver linings, instead we see UFOs. Perhaps, like me, you have had days where the whole world seems to be in order that are followed by days that seem to come for the sole purpose to steal the joy of the day before. This is a UFO - Unwanted Faith Obstacle - abduction.

We have a choice. We can go willingly with the adbuctor, participate in the experiment and be returned to our families a shell of who we were. We could take the "Close Encounters" approach and fight off the aliens. Either way - it seems there will be some battle wounds. It's hard to come in contact (brief or extended) with a UFO and walk away unchanged.

Perhaps we should take the astronomer's approach and watch for them, study them & learn how to interact with them in a peaceful way. We should remember our last encounter and figure out what we could have done differently in the last battle.

If they land successfully on your planet, they will call their friends. What happens next is up to us. We can try to take them on by ourselves, or we can take them to our leader.

As for me, I'm in Will Smith "Independence Day" mode. I'm taking the fight to them. The UFOs that come for me, will not find the planet friendly. They can come. I know they will. They always do. But when they come, they should know that I am prepared to fight and I am backed by the Most High God.

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